Door County Shero, Hazel Mueller
The Women’s Fund honors Hazel Mueller as a Door County Shero!
I believe that Sheroes can come in all shapes and sizes. My Shero happens to be pint-sized.
I have often described Hazel as having a zest for life. While that strong, vibrant personality tests me at times, Hazel’s attitude during such a difficult time is admirable. Constantly singing and dancing, this spirited young lady proves to me daily that life is what you make it.
After I cancelled her birthday party in March, Hazel exclaimed, “Mama! Now we get to eat twice as much cake!” Her positive point of view in the face of misfortune inspires me. During this pandemic, I think we could all benefit from mirroring Hazel’s positive outlook on life. While we are all doing our best to navigate the health and economic crises, I hope everyone can take a moment to try and look for the extra cake in each day.
Thank you, Hazel!